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In this dynamically changing world, the key is not just learning, but learning how to learn. The education philosophy of CIS pivots towards cultivating critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, adaptability, and a holistic approach. We aspire to establish a school as a true Child-Centric Universe.

Foundation stage

FS-1 to FS-5 (Age 3-8 yrs)


This period of early childhood lays the foundation for life-long learning and development and is a key determinant of the quality of adult life. Brain development is most rapid in the first eight years of a child’s life, indicating the critical importance of cognitive and socio-emotional stimulation in the early years. Since, Children naturally take to play-based activity in the early years, CIS uses an experiential learning pedagogy. Children exposed to age-appropriate, physical, educational, and social activities throughplay-based methods learn better and grow better.

Our programme features activities, equipments and learning environments designed for the development of gross and fine motor coordination. Hands on activities that are appropriate for children at this age are planned and incorporated into our daily routine. We celebrate individual uniqueness and encourage self-expression and exploration, while building strong foundations of love and security.


Preparatoty Stage

P-1 to P-2 (Age 9-12yrs)

CIS invests in quality education as suggested by NEP 2020 to target the development of the health, cognitive skills, and character of the individual, necessary for the future success of the individual.

At this stage, primary learners are encouraged to go beyond their known capabilities through scientific and discovery based learning. Focus is not on amassing content knowledge but understanding how to approach content and develop it’s understanding. The process when applied everyday for every new knowledge, enhances skills like observation, critical analysis, decision making, collaboration, creativity and innovation. The multi disciplinary and holistic approach across sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, and sports make our students ready for a multidisciplinary world out there.

Preparatoty Stage

P-1 to P-2 (Age 9-12yrs)


CIS invests in quality education as suggested by NEP 2020 to target the development of the health, cognitive skills, and character of the individual, necessary for the future success of the individual.

At this stage, primary learners are encouraged to go beyond their known capabilities through scientific and discovery based learning. Focus is not on amassing content knowledge but understanding how to approach content and develop it’s understanding. The process when applied everyday for every new knowledge, enhances skills like observation, critical analysis, decision making, collaboration, creativity and innovation. The multi disciplinary and holistic approach across sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, and sports make our students ready for a multidisciplinary world out there.

We believe in recognizing each student’s unique potential, fostering conceptual understanding, and promoting creativity and critical thinking. Our values-driven approach emphasizes ethics, diversity, and multilingualism while developing essential life skills. Through continuous formative assessment and technology integration, we empower students for success. With a curriculum that respects diversity and local context, and teachers at the heart of the learning process, we are committed to nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared for the future”